1- Aygün C, Çakmak Ç F, Shany E, Küçüködük Ş, aEEG results in newborns with hypernatremic dehydration . 6th Intenational Conference on Brain Monitoring & Neuroprotaction in the newborn , 10-12 Şubat 2011 Amsterdam, Hollanda.
2- Rosenthal VD, Vergara GR, Bran de Casares A, Genuino G, Villanueva V, Sarmiento Lopez F, Rodriguez Calderon M, Küçüködük Ş. Sobreyra Oropeza. Impact of İnternatıonal nosocomial infection control consortium (INICC) strategy on pneumonia rates in neonatal ICUS in 7 developing countries. 6th World congress of the world society for pediatric infectious diseases, Buones Aieres, Argentina, November 18-22, 2009.
3- Tanyeri B, Aygün C, Bedir A, Küçüködük Ş, Özkaya O. Angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphisms and acut renal failure in babies with RDS. Ist İnternational Congres UENPS, November 17-19, 2008. Rome, Italy.
4- Tanyeri B, Aygün C, Küçüködük Ş, Özkaya O. Respiratuvar distres sendromlu prematüre bebeklerde akut böbrek yetmezliği nedenleri. 5. Ulusal Çocuk Nefroloji Kongresi ve 3 rd Southeast european pediatric nephrology working group meeting (SEPNWG), 9-12 Ekim
2008, Kapadokya.
5- Yurdakul Z, Bedir A, Aygün C, Tanyeri B, Alvur M, Küçüködük Ş. Does genotoxicity have a role in the pathogenesis of intrauterine growth retardation. 22nd İnternational Symposium on neonatal İntensive care October 26-28, 2006 Mılano Italy
6- Turhan PM, Aygün C, Gökçe S, Küçüködük Ş, Early versus late erythropoetin treatment for the treatment of anemia of prematurity. 22nd İnternational Symposium on neonatal İntensive care October 26–28, 2006 Mılano, Italy.
7- Özkaya Ö, Ayyıldız S, Aygün C, Güngör O, Mutlu B, Küçüködük Ş. A rare cause of acute renal failure in a newborn hydrometrocolpos. Journal of the İnternational Pediatric Nephorology.
8- Aygün C, Akbalık M, Arıtürk N, Küçüködük Ş. Peters anomaly in a newborn. Ist. congress of union of mediterranean neonatal societies (UMENS) and XIIst national congress of neonatology, September 3-6 2003, İstanbul. 9- Aygün C, Küçüködük Ş. Transient hyperinsülinism and diazoxide treatment in a neonatal intensive care unit. Ist congress of union of mediterranean neonatal societies (UMENS) and XIIst national congress of neonatology, September 3-6 2003, İstanbul 10- Aygün C, Küçüködük Ş, Birinci A, Fışgın N, Lipid complex on liposomal amphotericin – B for candida albicans sepsis in extremly low birth weight infants. I st congress of union of mediterranean neonatal societies (UMENS) and XIIst national congress of neonatology, September 3-6 2003, İstanbul
11- Belet N, Öztürk P, Belet Ü, Yıldıran A, Küçüködük Ş. Treacher-collins syndrome associated with foot deformity and genital anomalies. 1st Congress of Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societies and XIIth National Congress of Neonatology, Abstract Book, İstanbul,276, İstanbul,2003.
12- Belet N, Hacıömeroğlu P, Küçüködük Ş. Ciprofloxacin treatment in newborns with multidrug resistant nosocomial pseudomonas infections, , 1st Congress of Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societies and XIIth National Congress of Neonatology, Abstract Book, İstanbul, 218,İstanbul,2003. 13- N Aşılıoğlu, Belet N, Yıldıran A, Küçüködük Ş. Comparison of double phototherapy and standard phototherapy in term babies with immune hemolytic – hyperbilirubinemia, 1 st Congress of Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societies and XIIth National Congress of Neonatology, Abstract Book, İstanbul,199,İstanbul,2003. 14- Belet N, Baysal K, Küçüködük Ş, ve Dilber C, Congenital heart disease in the infant of diabetic mother, 14th World Congress of Cardiology, Sydney, 2002.
15- Belet N, H İmdat, Yıldıran A, Küçüködük Ş. Thyroid function tests in preterm infants born to preeclamptic mothers with placental insufficiency. IX th ESPID Congress, İstanbul, 43 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KGBerlin, New York,2001.
16- Belet N, Küçüködük Ş, Belet Ü, Uysal S, İncesu L, Magnetic resonance imaging in neonatal hypoxic- ıschaemic encephalopathy; comparison of clinical outcome with initial and fallow-up magnetic resonance imaging findings. IX th ESPID Congress, İstanbul, 35, Walter de Gruyter GmbH &Co. KGBerlin, New York, 2001
17- İncesu L, Belet N, Belet Ü, Danacı M, Küçüködük Ş. Evulation of hypoxic ishemic injury in asphyxiated newborns by neuroimaging methods, ASNR 2000, ASNR 38 th Annual Meeting, 282 – 283, Atlanta, 2000.
18- İşlek İ, Sezer T, Totan M, Çakır M, Küçüködük Ş.The effect of prophylactic prednisolon therapy on renal involvement in Henoch – Schönlein Vaskulitis. The 33 rd Annual meeting of the European society for pediatric Nephorology, Pediatr Nephrol, Vol,13,15-98, Prague, 1999.
19- İşlek İ, Sancak R, Aydın M, Küçüködük Ş, Urine calcium excretion in obese and nonobose children. The 11 th Congress of the Internatıonal Pediatric Nephrology Association september 12-16, 1998 London, UK, Offprint of Pediatr Neprol 12:C27-C 222.
20- İşlek İ, Küçüködük Ş, Adam B, Akpolat T. Plasma endothelin- 1 levels in Henoch- Schonlein vasculitis. XXII International Congress of pedaitrics: The IPA World Congress of Pedaitrics, Amsterdam 9-14 August 1998.
21- Küçüködük Ş, İşlek İ, Selçuk MB, Aygün D. Carpenter syndrome report of two siblings. XXII International Congress of pedaitrics: The IPA World Congress of Pedaitrics, Amsterdam 9-14
Agust 1998.
22- Baysal K, Uysal S, Çetinkaya F, Küçüködük Ş, Akgün N, Saraçlar M. Diagnostic value of echocontrast agent SHU 454 in congenital heart disease. Cardiology in the Young. Association of European Pediatric Cardiologists Association Europeenne des Pediatres Cardiologues XXXI. Annual Meeting Goteborg, 15-18 Mayıs 1996.
23- Küçüködük Ş, İşlek İ, Akan H, Aydın M, Dilber C, Gürses N. Diagnosis of renal vein trombosis by non- invasive methods and importance of medical therapy (Abstract). Nephrol Dial Transplant 9: 98-111,1994.
24- Aydın M, Küçüködük Ş, Akan H, Uysal S, Gürses N. Amphotericin B in the treatment of candida menengitis in three neonates XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pedatri Dernekleri Birliği kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October 24–27,1993, Abstract Book,
p 177.
25- Dinç H, Albayrak D, Gürses N, Küçüködük Ş, İşlek İ, Çetinkaya F,Aydın M. The effects of increasing fibrinogen concentration on the phagocytosis of different microorganism in whole plasma. XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pedatri Dernekleri Birliği kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October
24-27,1993, Abstract Book, p134.
26- Küçüködük Ş, Aydın M, Yalın T, Kalaycı AG, Çetinkaya F, Rubinstein Taybi sendrome with ambigious genetilia. XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pediatri Dernekleri Birliği Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October 24-27,1993, Abstract Book, p 46.
27- Küçüködük Ş, Aydın M, Dinç H, Gürses N, Saraçlar Y. Prevelance of allergic diseases in Samsun region. XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pediatri Dernekleri Birliği Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October 24-27,1993, Abstracts Book, p 38.
28- Aydın M, Küçüködük Ş, Yalın T, İşlek İ. The cuadal regression syndrome. XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pediatri Dernekleri Birliği Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October 24- 27,1993, Abstract Book, p 23.
29- Aydın M. Baysal K, Küçüködük Ş, Çetinkaya F. Aplication of ice water in initial treatment of superaventricular tachcardia. XXI. Ortadoğu ve Akdeniz Pediatri Dernekleri Birliği kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, October 24-27,1993. Abstract Book, p 21.
30- Elbistan M. Küçüködük Ş. Keser I, Kara N, Ökten G. The Partial trisomy 18q ( 18 P 11.31:18q ter – 18q 21. 1). In a newborn with phenotype of trisomy 18.30th Aniversary of the Check Society of Medical Geneticks of Assosiation of Medical Societies J.E. Purkyne. Genetics in Medicine . Prague, Czech Rebulic, September 2-5, 1993 Abstracts, p 64.
31- Küçüködük Ş, Özgen Ü, Gürses N, Balat A, Barış YS. Platelet parameters in neonatal septicemia. 20th İnternational Congress of Pediatrics. İnternational Pedaitrics Association. Rio De Janerio, Brasil, September 6- 10, 1992, Abstracts p190.
32- Küçüködük Ş, Dürer Z, Gürses N, Baysal K, Acar S. Koçak H. The effect of the different looding doses of phenobarbital on the serum bilirubin levels, 20th İnternational Congress of pediatrics. İnternational Pediatrics Association. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, September 6-10,1992, Abstracts p 190.
33- Küçüködük Ş, Özgen Ü, Acar S. Exchange transfusion with type- specific blood in ABO hemolytic disease. 20 th İnternational Congress of Pediatrics. International Pediatrrics Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, September 6-10, 1992, Abstracts,p, 94.